Sunday, 5 November 2023

Latest Mogadishu Arrival

SCX Shipping's MV John Matchett has arrived in Mogadishu with impecable timing just as IDAP required resupply of vehicles and other equipment.
MV John Matchett anchored just outside the port of Mogadishu.  After 'negotiations' were completed the Matchett docked and commenced unloading.

The Matchett finally along-side ready to unload.
Busy scenes as palletised cargo is transfered to IDAP trucks.
Dockside unloading operations in full swing. The Southern Charter team were joined by members of the IDAP Ground Team during the in-port period.

Some of the first suplies ashore, seen at IDAP's logistics base inland from Mogadishu.

The Matchett, a 15,000 ton general cargo ship sailed from Vera Cruz, Mexico on October 17th, crossing the Atlantic, then the Mediteranean before passing through the Suez Canal abd heading down the Red Sea, and down the African coast arriving in 19 days.  There were some delays getting in to port in Mogadishu, with the team from IDAP helping clear the way for docking and unloading.

The Matchett will depart Mogadishu as soon as unloading has been completed.

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